The name of the Association shall be:
The Association covers all of the flats, amenity areas and common areas of the premises known as Berberis House G1 ("the Property") situated at:
1-233 inc, ex 14, 15, 27, 28, 40 & 41
Berberis House
Highfield Road
Feltham TW13 4GP/ TW13 4GQ/ TW13 4GR/ TW13 4GS
3.1. To promote, protect and represent the common rights and interests of the members of the Association relating to the use and enjoyment of the Property and its environment.
3.2. To maintain good relations within the community.
3.3. To work towards eliminating all forms of discrimination within the community and encouraging a positive community spirit.
3.4. To promote social, welfare and recreational activities for the benefit of the members of the Association and the community.
3.5. To promote the five ways to well-being to the members of the Association and the community (Connect - Be Active - Take notice - Keep learning - Give).
3.6. To exercise the rights conferred upon the Association by recognition under the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985 or such other statutory rights that may be given by any subsequent enactment.
3.7. To be non-party political and non-sectarian.
4.1. Membership shall be open to all persons who are lessees holding under long leases of a flat in the Property (“the Leaseholders”), but voting shall be restricted to one vote for each flat.
4.2. Membership shall be open to any other person or persons, over the age of 16 years, resident on the Property (“the Residents”). Such members shall not be elected as Officers or members of the Committee of the Association and shall not be entitled to any vote, with the exception of rule 7.4.
4.3. Associate membership shall be open to any other person or persons, over the age of 16 years, who do not live on the Property, but who are interested in helping the Association achieve its aims. Such associate members shall not be elected as Officers or members of the Committee of the Association and shall not be entitled to any vote. The Committee will decide whether to grant or terminate associate member status.
4.4. Membership of the Association shall be confirmed upon the payment of the first subscription (if any) and formal acceptance by the proposed member of the rules and constitution of the Association.
4.5. A copy of this constitution shall be given to each member.
4.6. Neither the Landlord, the Landlord's representative, any company controlled by the Landlord nor shall any employee of the Landlord be an associate member of the Association or a member of the Committee.
4.7. Members must not discriminate on the grounds of nationality, political opinion, race, religious opinion, gender, age, sexuality or disability.
4.8. Members shall at all times conduct themselves in a reasonable manner when attending meetings or any functions linked to the Association.
4.9. Membership or associate membership of the Association shall terminate:
4.9.1. upon a member giving written notice to that effect to the Honorary Secretary;
4.9.2. upon a member ceasing to be a lessee of a flat at the Property;
4.9.3. upon a member ceasing to be a resident on the Property;
4.9.4. upon failure by a member to pay the annual subscription (if any), in respect of that flat for three months after the same shall become due and payable (membership can be suspended and/or ended by the two-third majority vote of the Committee);
4.9.5. upon any breach of the constitution (membership can be suspended and/or ended by the two-third majority vote of the Committee).
The Officers of the Association shall comprise a Chair, Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer, who shall be members of the Association.
5.2.1. The Committee of the Association shall consist of not less than three nor more than eight members of the Association and include the Officers of the Association.
5.2.2. The Committee members shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting of the Association and shall hold office until the following Annual General Meeting, when they shall be eligible for re-election without re-nomination.
5.2.3. The Committee shall be empowered to co-opt on a temporary basis other members of the Association to form sub-committees to consider such matters as the Committee or the Association shall determine and the decisions of such sub-committees shall be ratified by the Committee before implementation.
5.2.4. The Committee shall implement the aims of the Association and the resolutions of the Association.
5.2.5. The Committee shall meet as and when required, its quorum consisting of a simple majority of its members, at least two of whom must be Officers.
5.2.6. Minutes of all meetings shall be made available to all members and associate members.
6.1. The election of the Officers and the Committee shall take place at the Annual General Meeting.
6.2. Nominations for membership of the Committee shall be proposed and seconded by two members of the Association in writing and notified to the Hon.Secretary seven days in advance of the Annual General Meeting and shall include the written consent of the nominee.
6.3. The Committee shall be empowered to fill any casual vacancy occurring on the Committee or among the Officers and any person so appointed shall serve until the next Annual General Meeting of the Association.
7.1. Any member or associate member can make a proposal, but in order for it to be voted on by the eligible members, it must be seconded by another member.
7.2. Voting at meeting of the Association shall be by a simple majority of the eligible members present at the meeting and be by the show of hands unless a ballot is demanded by a majority. In the case of equality, the Chair shall have the casting vote.
7.3. For purpose connected with Sections 18-30 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985 (“the Service Charges”) voting shall be restricted to variable service charge payers (“the Leaseholders”) and voting on expenditure wholly attributable to a specific block will be restricted to those members liable for such charges.
7.4. For purpose connected to non-service charges matters voting shall be open to all members.
7.5. For the election of the Officers and the Committee voting shall be open to the eligible members, the Leaseholders..
7.6. If an individual or a company is a leasehold owner of more than one flat voting shall be restricted to only one vote.
7.7. Any member entitled to vote may authorise in writing (such authority to be satisfactory to the Chair) any member of the committee to vote on his/her behalf.
8.1. All money raised by or on behalf of the Association shall be used only for further the aims of the Association.
8.2. The financial year of the Association shall end on March 31st in each year.
8.3. The Annual Statement of Accounts and Balance Sheet (“The Accounts”) to that date shall be prepared for the Association each year and these shall be audited in accordance with proper audit practice.
8.4. Auditors shall be appointed by a resolution at the Annual General Meeting. Officers and Committee members shall not be eligible for appointment as auditors.
8.5. The Accounts shall be submitted for approval at the subsequent Annual General Meeting.
8.6. The property and funds of the Association shall be held and administered by the Committee.
8.7. A resolution of the Committee shall be sufficient authority for payments or the incurring of liability for payments up to the limit not exceeding five hundred pounds. Beyond such limit the Committee shall seek approval of such expenditure by the Association either at the Annual General Meeting or at an Extraordinary General Meeting.
8.8. A bank account shall be opened in the name of the Association and all cheques shall be signed by an Officer and countersigned by one of the three signatures in the bank’s possession (Signatories must not be from the same household or the same family).
8.9. The annual subscription of the Association shall be decided for the ensuing year at the Annual General Meeting but shall not be altered save by a two-thirds majority of the members attending such a meeting.
8.10. In the event of the Association being wound up, any surplus funds shall be disbursed to a suitable registered charity to be decided by a simple majority of the membership.
9.1. The Annual General Meeting of the Association shall be held not later than three months from the end of the financial year and an Annual Report shall be given of the year's work of the Association.
9.2. An Extraordinary General Meeting of the Association may be convened at any time by the Hon. Secretary, either upon the written instructions of the Committee, or upon a written request signed by at least 10% of the membership.
9.3. At the Annual General Meeting of the Association, or at any Extraordinary General Meeting, 10% of the membership shall constitute a quorum. If no quorum is present, the meeting shall be adjourned to another day, when members present shall form a quorum for that meeting.
9.4. Any General Meeting of the Association may be convened at any time by the Hon. Secretary on fourteen days written notice to the members, which notice shall contain the date, time, place of the meeting and the Agenda.
9.5. Seven days' notice in writing must be given to the Hon. Secretary of any resolution to be moved at any General Meeting, unless such resolution is admitted by the Chair at the meeting.
9.6. A notice containing all resolutions and nominations to be moved, with the names of those proposing and seconding each resolution or nomination, shall be kept by the Hon. Secretary and be available for inspection by any member for seven days before the General Meeting.
9.7. The Association may only be dissolved at a Extraordinary General Meeting called for that purpose. The proposal to dissolve the Association shall take effect only if agreed by a two-thirds majority of the members present at the meeting.
10.1. No alteration to the constitution of the Association shall be made except at the Annual General Meeting or at an Extraordinary General Meeting called for that purpose.
10.2. Any suggested alteration to the constitution must be handed to the Hon. Secretary at least fourteen days before the meeting.
10.3 Any alteration to the constitution must be agreed by at least two-thirds of the members present in person at the meeting or by proxy under rule 7.7.
The members of the Association shall indemnify the Officers of the Association and members of the Committee against all liability incurred by them in good faith on behalf and in the name of the Association acting with their authority.
All complaints or suggestions on matters regarding the Association shall be made in writing to the Hon. Secretary.
The members, associate members and the Committee of the Association will:
The Committee and any appointed Sub-Committee of the Association will:
The members, associate members and the Committee will:
The Committee of the Association shall:
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